Tuesday 4 November 2008


Barcelona was awesome.

The week was spent driving through mountains, relaxing on the beach and eating at beautiful restaurants. What more could a girl want.

You'll have to excuse the overly cheesy picture above..

Sunday 19 October 2008

I Know

I'm rubbish.

My updates are terrible.

Thought it was about time I kept you posted.

So everything with me and Nick is completely and utterly amazing.

I've been completely swept away and cannot wait to spend the week with him in Barcalona... AHHH!

So excited.

Not much else to say really!

I go to bed with a smile and wake up with one too.. What more could a girl want?

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Swept Away

OK, so since meeting Nick precicley one week ago today (Haha.. we work fast..) I have been so so happy!

He's adorable. He makes me laugh so much. We haven't spent a minute apart other than when we are working..

We have done so much, no vegging out. Wednesday we went out for drinks and got take out (our first date..) Thursday I was working in the evening and him during the day but we met on all our brakes.. Friday we went out with his Mates in the evening and had a lock in at the pub.. Saturday we spent the day in Exeter where I was taken to a lovely Spanish restaurant for Tapa's.. Sunday we went for a walk on the moors then to lunch at my Mothers house (yes he has met the Mother already! She loves him!) Monday we went to Dartmouth then out for a meal at an Indian Restaurant.. and yesterday I only had an hour off so he took me to the Pizza Cafe for tea!

I am so loved up!

Thursday 9 October 2008

Call me crazy..

BUT I'm going to Barcalona.

On the 23rd.

With Nick.


What a catch.

Monday 6 October 2008

Another Potential..

His names Nick.

I haven't met him yet. My friend gave him my number and we've been texting all day which has led to a drink on Friday..

There's a catch.. he's a leeetle bit older..

Monday 29 September 2008

I'm having doubts

Serious doubts.

Enough said.

Just to clarify..

Person of the male species spoken about in my previous post is not stalker.

I repeat. Is not stalker.

Saturday 27 September 2008

It could only happen to me..

A man picked me up last night.

It was planned.

I went for (what was suppose to be..) a few drinks with a friend and said man picked me up.

I was hammered. He most certainly wasn't. Infact. He was stone cold sober.

He came back to mine.

We got in the mood.........

I rolled over to check the door was locked.

I rolled right off the bed.. knocked over the ironing bored which happened to have my morning coffee on it.

I am laying on the floor, next to my bed, half naked, covered in coffee.

Thoughts are running through my head.. I'm going to have to pretend I'm suppose to be here. So I start playing with the plug. Yes. Switching it on and off. At the same time as saying.. 'Sorry, but your going to have to lock the door now.. I can't quite reach it from here.'

And If that's not bad enough.. I manage to get back on the bed.. Back into the swing of things..

I have random hysterical fits of laughter.

However, being the genius that I am I'm thinking.. I'm going to have to cover my tracks here.

You know when you are really trying hard to to laugh? And every now and again you let out a little squeal? Or a snort? Or just some ridiculous noise that you have never ever made/heard before? That was me. In the middle of sex.

Something tells me he won't be back.

Monday 22 September 2008

Do away with him ideas..

Courtesy of Emma..

  1. The 'Kill him with kindness' approach - I can't get you out of my head.. it just feels right.. it must be fait.. I miss you already.. Favourite baby names?
  2. The 'How to lose a guy in ten days' approach - Superimpose my face into a fictional family album.. Did i mention I have 6 kids?
  3. The 'Incest' approach - This may come as a shock to you but I'm pregnant with my brothers child.. would you escort me to Jeremy Kyle next week?
  4. The 'I've got an identical twin' approach - I'm sorry her behaviour is unacceptable..
  5. The 'Irratic behaviour' approach - I apologise for my outburst.. i have an anxiety disordor, schizophrenia..
  6. The 'I'm not into your sort' approach - I'm a lesbian, did i forget to mention that?

Call me shallow but..

I met him. The guy from Saturday night I mean.

Does it make me shallow that i'm not too keen on meeting him again because of his looks?

Saturday 20 September 2008

A couple of things..

  • My land lord is showing someone around my room tomorrow night at 7. I have to work at 4. Doesn't make me happy to think he will be here when I am not. Seems like i will be spending tomorrow morning tidying, hoovering, hiding any traces of fag butts and stashing my vibe under the bed..
  • Me and the boss had another heart to heart tonight. It has made me feel a little sad about leaving.. We have a bizaar relationship. I kinda look after him, well i do look after him. theres no kinda about it..! He constantly gives me such a hard time but still I watch his back. Tonight he told me that he is gutted I am going. he described me as the little sister he never had. He told me I am one of the few people he would call a true friend. I feel a little blubbery.
  • On a lighter note.. When I was leaving work tonight a bloke pulled up asking if i had a lighter (he saw my fag..) i ran over to give himm one and he asked me where i was going. i told him. he asked if i wanted a lift. i took him up on his offer (which, may i just add i wouldnt usually do..) He took me to my destination (which wasn't home for those of you thinking he must be a peodofilic stalker..) asked for my number and said e would like to take me out for a drink. I'm seeing him in the week. Woot woot! However.. now is not the time to be meeting people considering i am leaving in 10 short weeks.. (and counting..)

10 in 10

It is exactly 10 weeks today until the big move.

Here's the plan.

I need to lose 10 pounds within the next 10 weeks.

Thats a pound a week for those of you lacking a mathmatical head.

I feel fat. I need to do something about it.

Any ideas?

Thursday 18 September 2008

The Phone Call

I'm coming to Holland!!

All my tests came back clear!!



I'm waiting on the results of my blood test.

I was suppose to get them this morning. I called. They are at the surgery. They won't give them to me as the doctor hasn't made comments on them yet.

Is that a joke?

Looks like I have another day of waiting.

These results could change my life.

Not happy.

Tuesday 16 September 2008

A Little Update

  • The Move - First week of December (Fingers crossed..)
  • The Housemate - We've worked things out. Winner.
  • The House - I move out the 10th of October (Back to Mum's.. Woot Woot!!)
  • Tomorrow - I have a blood test.. (Not so Woot Woot..)
  • The Pub - Me and the big man have bonded.. a little too late..
  • Me - After going to the Doctors about my depression I have been feeling a lot better, I turned down my referal to the counsellor as there is a six week waiting list and I'm hoping to have sorted my head out a little by then anyway!!

Life is seeming a lot brighter!!

Thursday 11 September 2008


Remind me NEVER to do a house share with strangers again.

Unless of course they don't have ridiculously high standard of cleanliness.

Since when was leaving a fork in the sink living like a slob?

Wednesday 10 September 2008


Do they just keep growing?

Saturday 6 September 2008


Things all seem a little clearer today.

In my head I have already moved. Of course I have doubts but have come to the conclusion that I have nothing to lose.

I don't have anything major keeping me in the UK, so I have a stability of an mediocre job and somewhere to live but that's about it, I can have that in Holland.

I spoke to my landlord (bent a few truths..) and he said that as long as I give a months notice I am still able to get my deposit back, I'm considering going back to Mums for a while as the rent is cheaper and will enable me to save a bit of cash before I move (if I move..)

I'm also considering studying in Rotterdam, I think this might give me some sort of purpose and something to focus on rather than plodding on through a shitty job. However, anyone who knows me is quite aware that I come up with these studying ideas pretty often so we'll have to see about that one (Ineke..)!


I think I'm slowly but surely coming to my decision..

Friday 5 September 2008

The Newbe

We have a new housemate. He moves in tomorrow.

He actually seems quite nice, far better than the previous ones they've shown around!!

I also spoke to the landlord about the possibility of moving out before my tenancy contract is up. I was a little concerned that I wouldn't retrieve my deposit if I left early, however after I explained that I have been offered a job in the Netherlands he became a little more understanding and agreed that if I gave enough notice it would be possible to have my money back..

Watch this space..

Thursday 4 September 2008


I feel torn.

I feel so desperately like I have two homes. I just seem to have been lumbered with the impossible decision of which to live in. The frustrating thing is, I am the one that has lumbered myself with it.

Although the UK will always be home for me I feel it is more of a base, a safety net so if all else fails I have somewhere to return too.

Living in Holland was such an incredible experience for me but I somehow feel I have unfinished business there.

Before moving to the Netherlands I had two goals, to learn the language and to explore the country. Neither of which I accomplished.

Would it be so bad to go back and finish what I started?

I'm overly aware of the fact things will have changed. For started I won't have my ex there as a safety blanket and the majority of my friends will have returned to their home countries. However, if I go expecting a whole new experience as appose to trying to recreate the old one, surely there is a strong possibility it could work?

Wednesday 3 September 2008


I'm considering a move.

I'm not sure where. I'm not sure when. But I am sure that I am considering a move.

The options..
  • Holland - I lived in the Netherlands for 18 months with my ex, I miss it, a lot.
  • Canada - My best friend from Holland has recently returned there, thinking of joining her..
  • Both!! Its possible i may visit Canada for 3 months but return to Holland after rather than come back to the UK..

Decisions, decisions..

This That and the Other

Since I was a kid I've wanted to do many things..
  • Teaching
  • Hairdressing
  • Air Hostessing
  • Journalism
  • Nursing
  • Barmaiding (If that's even a word..)
  • Aupairing
  • Writing

And many more..

So far I've accomplished two of the above, that's unless you count this blog as Writing, doing the Daily Express crossword (badly) as Journalism and cutting my own fringe as Hairdressing..

The two above that I have achieved (rather well - if you ask me) are Bar Maiding.. I work in a small town pub and have just gained my National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders..

And Aupairing.. I looked after three adorable kids for 8 months before going into bar work abroad.

As a matter of fact, I have no desire to fulfil any of the other bullets mentioned..

As you will gather from future posts on this site is how drastically often my ambitions change..